Helena Jornet Finques will sponsor Fundació Impulsa at the #JornetFest 2023!
May 16, 2023

Helena Jornet Finques will sponsor Fundació Impulsa at the #JornetFest 2023!
The #JornetFest will be back this summer with the same desire of celebrating life, but more solidary than ever. Thank you very much to all the companies and organizations who presented their solidary projects and initiatives in the Empordà, it has been very challenging to choose only one.

We are very happy to communicate you that all the profits for the #JornetFest 2023 will be intended for the Fundació Impulsa project, which guides and provides scholarships to 22 young adults in Baix Empordà and it is willing to continue next year. It is about 16- and 17-year-old boys and girls, in a vulnerable socioeconomic situation, compromised with their studies and interested in keep training themselves, who will receive the support from Fundació Impulsa in order to do some professional training and to improve their job placement.
Following this objective, Fundació Impulsa provides an integral guidance, together with its psychologic and pedagogic team by offering them support in different aspects: economic, through funding their studies; technologic, by donating them a laptop; human, by training them in different competences and by doing a voluntary in one of the companies of the territory; social, by giving them a mentor, and work by training them by doing internships in different companies and enterprises.
Thanks to this guidance and and the networking in the area, for their beginings in 2015, they have given a scholarship to more than 470 young adults in Catalunya and 90% of them have finished their professional studies, which is above than 50% than the Catalan average.

As well as Fundació Impulsa, Helena Jornet Finques also confirms than the young boys and girls get opportunities they can achieve whatever they want. Our industry needs qualified people and projects like this one which contribute to ensure a future with opportunities and keep the territory alive.
Congratulations for becoming the beneficiaries of the #JornetFest second edition!